Homepage of the latextemplates GitHub organization


This organization is a collection of various templates and related projects. The curent focus is on computer science, but other templates or links to other templates are welcome

All templates are open source an can be found at

Templates hosted under this organization

Research templates

Thesis templates


This table compares available templates on the net with templates offered here.

template microtype hyperref hypcap cleveref listings minted biblatex natbib latexindent config cmap/glyphtounicode pdfcomment
ACM v1.49 x x - - - - o x - x x
IEEE x x x x x p - - x x x
LNI x x x x x - o - - x x
LNCS x x x x x p - x x x x
scientific-thesis-template x x x x x p x - x x x
uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template x x x x x p x - - - x


key meaning
x included
p prepared, but not included in default template
- not included

Templates by others

Lists of templates

Lists of lists of templates

Other resources hosted at latextemplates

Introductions to LaTeX

Other resources